Hike New Hampshire
Trips in NH

Mt. Hale At-A-Glance

Difficulty Pretty Easy, nothing your average person who's in average shape could handle as a day hike.
Length 8.94 miles round trip. The hike up Zealand Rd makes this a little long.
Trails Used The Hale Brook Trail
Things to Watch For Not too much. This hike had very few pitfalls and only 2 stream crossings that were nothing to worry about. This would be an excellent first 4,000 footer for anyone.
Sights to Watch For Sadly, not too many until you reach the summit. This hike has a couple occluded views that will barely satisfy even the most desperate hiker, but once on top, there is a decent view for about 120 degrees around the summit.

Click here to see the topo map of this hike. The book and Topo! disagree on the length of this trip, which is why you'll see a distance on this map that differs from the trip report. I believe the book so I'm going with it.

Mt. Hale Profile Click here to see the elevation profile for this hike. Not what you'd call a real challenge!

Copyright © 1999-2008
Chris Oberg & Robert Havasy